Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Simple Pleasures

Most people I know derive most of their pleasure from relationships, travel, sports, TV, clothes, pop culture, yoga, spas, etc.

I'm atypical. I don't know if any of you would find it helpful, but here's what gives me greatest pleasure:
  • First and foremost, my work. But of course, if you're a regular reader of this blog, you knew that. The more I contribute, the more worthy I feel, the more I feel like I've earned my spot on the planet.
  • The feeling I get after drinking a cup of coffee: smarter, more upbeat. Caffeine is my drug of choice.
  • My doggie, Einstein, whether it's watching him sleeping on the dog bed next to my desk, taking our daily hike around the lake, or even fake-yelling at him for jumping onto the kitchen counter. (Click on the photo to get a close-up look at my baby.)
  • An Indian buffet
  • Being musical performance coach to my wife and to my former career counseling client and now friend, Jeffrie Givens.
  • Gardening: seeing that amalgamation of the hybridizer's years of work with nature's miracle of growth. 
  • Watching a great movie at home. Video on-demand is wonderful. 
  • Googling. The world's information is just a few clicks away. Just 25 years ago, that would have been deemed impossible.
  • Playing the piano for clients or friends. 
  • Watching C-Span, especially the in-depth, fair-minded interviews of people on both the Left and Right.
  • Watching YouTube videos of great performances. Last night, Jeffrie and I watched six world-class performances of Take Me or Leave Me from Rent.
Note that all of those pleasures are low-cost or free.

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